const RequestHandler = require("../../Structers/Request");
const ErrorCodes = require("./Errors.json");
const TransCodes = require("./TransactionCodes.json");
* @typedef PaymentParams
* @type {Object}
* @property {String} name - a Name
* @property {String} phone - a Phone number in length of 11
* @property {String} mail - an Email Address
* @property {String} desc - a Description for the Payment/order
* @property {String} callback - a Callback URL
* @property {Boolean} sandbox - Turn this Action as a Sandbox
* @typedef IDPayHeader
* @type {Object}
* @property {String} X-API-KEY - IDPay API Key
* @property {String} X-SANDBOX - Send Request as a SandBox
* @class
* @classdesc IDPay Engine Class
* Create a Connection between IDPay Gateway
class IDPayEngine {
* Token String for Payments
* @private
* @type {String}
* Request Handler for IDPay Class
* @private
* @type {RequestHandler}
* IDPay Version Tag (Must be Supported by IDPay)
* @type {String}
* @private
#Version = "v1.1";
* All Transactions Codes and their Meaning
TransactionCodes = TransCodes;
* All Error Codes and Their Meaning
Errors = ErrorCodes;
* @param {String} token IDPay API Token
if(!token || typeof token !== 'string' || token == '' || token == ' ')
throw new Error('Token is invalid.');
this.#Token = token;
this.#Request = new RequestHandler(`${this.#Version}`);
* @param {Boolean} sandbox Enable Sandbox or not
* @returns {IDPayHeader}
* @private
#GetHeader(sandbox = false)
let res = {
'X-API-KEY': this.#Token,
'X-SANDBOX': sandbox ?? false
return res;
* Create a Payment
* @param {String} id ID of Order/Payment - 50 Length at the Must
* @param {Number} amount Money Amount that you want in IRR (Rial)
* @param {PaymentParams} params Some Params that are optional
* @returns {Promise<any>} Whatver the axios would return
CreatePayment(id, amount, params = {})
if(!id || id == '' || id == ' ' || typeof id !== 'string' || id.length > 50)
throw new Error(`ID is Invalid.`);
if(!amount || typeof amount !== 'number' || amount == 0 || amount > 500000000 || amount < 1000)
throw new Error(`Amount number is Invalid.`);
let paymentObject = {
order_id: id,
let sandBox = ('sandbox' in params && typeof params['sandbox'] == 'boolean') ? params['sandbox'] : false;
if(!{}, params))
if('name' in params && typeof params['name'] == 'string') =;
if('phone' in params && typeof params['phone'] == 'string') =;
if('mail' in params && typeof params['mail'] == 'string')
paymentObject.mail = params.mail;
if('desc' in params && typeof params['desc'] == 'string')
paymentObject.desc = params.desc;
if('callback' in params && typeof params['callback'] == 'string')
paymentObject.callback = params.callback;
return this.#Request.send(`/payment`, 'POST', {
data: paymentObject,
Headers: this.#GetHeader(sandBox)
* Verify a Created Payment (or the Callback)
* @param {String} recivedID ID That you recived after Creating a payment with `CreatePayment` Method
* @param {String} createdID ID That you sent for Creating a Payment with `CreatePayment` Method
* @param {Boolean} sandBox Send The Request as a SandBox Request
* @returns {Promise<any>} Whatver the axios would return
VerifyPayment(recivedID, createdID, sandBox = false)
if(!recivedID || typeof recivedID !== 'string')
throw new Error(`RecivedID is invalid.`);
if(!createdID || typeof createdID !== 'string')
throw new Error(`CreatedID is invalid.`);
return this.#Request.send(`/payment/verify`, `POST`, {
data: {
id: recivedID,
order_id: createdID
Headers: this.#GetHeader(sandBox)
* Get Status of a Created Payment
* @param {String} recivedID ID That you recived after Creating a payment with `CreatePayment` Method
* @param {String} createdID ID That you sent for Creating a Payment with `CreatePayment` Method
* @param {Boolean} sandBox Send The Request as a SandBox Request
* @returns {Promise<any>} Whatver the axios would return
PaymentStatus(recivedID, createdID, sandBox = false)
if(!recivedID || typeof recivedID !== 'string')
throw new Error(`RecivedID is invalid.`);
if(!createdID || typeof createdID !== 'string')
throw new Error(`CreatedID is invalid.`);
return this.#Request.send(`/payment/inquiry`, `POST`, {
data: {
id: recivedID,
order_id: createdID
Headers: this.#GetHeader(sandBox)
}) ;
* Get a List of all Transactions
* @param {Number} pageNumber Page Number to fetch the Transactions (default is 0)
* @param {Number} pageSize Data size that would be fetched from the Page (Default is the last 25)
* @param {Boolean} sandBox Send The Request as a SandBox Request
* @returns {Promise<any>} Whatver the axios would return
Transactions(pageNumber = 0, pageSize = 25, sandBox = false)
if(typeof pageNumber !== 'number')
throw new Error(`Page number is invalid.`);
if(typeof pageSize !== 'number')
throw new Error(`Page size is invalid.`);
return this.#Request.send(`/payment/transactions`, `POST`, {
data: {
page: pageNumber,
page_size: pageSize,
Headers: this.#GetHeader(sandBox)
* Get Transaction Message by Code
* @param {String} code Transaction Code
* @returns {String} Message in Persian
if(!code || typeof code !== 'string' || code == '' || code == ' ' || !code in this.TransactionCodes)
throw new Error(`Transaction Code is invalid.`);
return this.TransactionCodes[code]
* Get Error Message
* @param {String} statusCode StatusCode that would be in the Response Header (such as 200, 404, ....)
* @param {String} errorCode Error code that you would recive in the callback from IDPay (a random number)
* @returns {String} Message in Persian
GetError(statusCode, errorCode)
if(!statusCode || typeof statusCode !== 'string' || statusCode == '' || statusCode == ' ' || !statusCode in this.Errors)
throw new Error(`Status Code is Invalid.`);
if(!errorCode || typeof errorCode !== 'string' || errorCode == '' || errorCode == ' ' || !errorCode in this.Errors[statusCode])
throw new Error(`Error Code is Invalid.`);
return this.Errors[statusCode][errorCode];
module.exports = IDPayEngine;