
const { default: axios, Axios } = require("axios");

 * @typedef ReqParams
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {Object} data - Data to Send along
 * @property {Object} Headers - Headers that should tag along

 * Request handler for sending api requests
 * @class
 * @classdesc Request handler for sending api requests
class RequestHandler {
     * Base URL that would add up with URI
     * @private
     * @type {String}

     * @param {String} ServerURL Server URL that would be added with URI in requests
        this.#BaseURL = ServerURL;

         * Send a Request
         * @description Send a Request
         * @param {String} uri Endpoint to add with ServerURL
         * @param {String} method Method to send such as GET/POST/....
         * @param {ReqParams} params an Object to send to the Endpoint Such as `Headers` and `data`
         * @returns {Promise<any>}
        this.send = (uri, method = 'get', params = {}) =>
            method = method.toLowerCase();
            let headerObject = {
                'content-type': 'application/json'
            if(method == 'get')
                return axios['get'](uri, {
                    baseURL: this.#BaseURL,
                    data: ('data' in params && params['data']) ? : null,
                    Headers: ('Headers' in params && params['Headers']) ? {...params.Headers, ...headerObject} : headerObject,
            else if(method == 'post')
                return axios['post'](uri, ('data' in params && params['data']) ? : null, {
                    baseURL: this.#BaseURL,
                    headers: ('Headers' in params && params['Headers']) ? {...params.Headers, ...headerObject} : headerObject,

module.exports = RequestHandler;